12 x PRINTED SOFTCOVER BOOK including postage
Freedom to Love – 12 x Softcover Book (Wholesale)
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Learn how to instantly break free from pain, struggle and suffering into freedom and power to create a better life.
12 x PRINTED SOFTCOVER BOOK including postage
Why did you work so hard and still fail to realise your dreams? What are the secrets of the millionaire success? This article reveals some very powerful secrets of success by providing a fundamental frame work to literally guarantee your success and make dreams come true.
Before you embark on a journey, you must know exactly where you are going, common sense?! If you don’t know where you are going, how will you ever get there?
Just as you need the address before you can get to where you want to go, you will need the clarity of what your dreams look like before you can fully realise it.
If you want to achieve financial freedom, then you must have the vision of what financial freedom looks like, feels like, sounds like, and tastes like to you. Otherwise, you have no points of reference to guide you and anchor you.
In other words, you must have the clarity of what the end result of what you are trying to create look like before you start working on the project.
In one word, you need Vision.
Vision means that you can see the future outcome very clearly with your inner eyes right Now. What does this dream mean to you? What does the end result look, feel like, or sound like?
If your dream is to become a millionaire, or to achieve financial freedom in 5 years, you can either envision the millionaire life style or you can see the figure of money in your bank statements.
Whatever the vision you may have, it must be very clear, very real; you can see it, feel it, and smell the reality of it. The clearer your vision is, the more powerful your magnetic field will become to bring this vision closer to your reality.
Just as you must remember the address of your destination, you should exercise your vision every day. Think like a millionaire, act as if you have already achieved financial freedom; imagine you are a speaker on a stage sharing the secrets of millionaire success and the blue print of financial freedom with your followers. Unleash your imagination and live it out now as if you have already realised your dreams.
Once you have a very clear vision, you must anchor it into your being by lifting your vibration consciously on a day to day basis to reinforce this intention. Conscious intention is what connects your dream to the creative source; it is also a steering wheel that drives you to your destination. Energy vibration plus conscious intention are the two wings of a dream that will let you fly, rather than crawl to your destination.
Lifting your vibration means that every day, your thinking and feeling about your dream must be a joy to your heart and you are constantly grateful for this process. You see it as a divine project that will give you financial freedom as well as helping people realising their highest potential.
You must build your success on the success of those you are trying to help with your expertise. Whatever your dreamed project may be, it should be a good karmic project in which everybody wins. When you charge the project with a win win attitude, then the creative force will be with you every step of the way.
Faith means that you believe in something you cannot yet see but deep inside you know you can trust it. In faith, you surrender your doubt to the greater knowing of your higher spirit. You let go of your concerns and worries, and take the step forward without question, the so-called Leap of Faith. In faith, you know that your intention is already a reality in the mind of God.
Feel this fact in your heart, in your mind, in your bones and in your DNA, then every day, give thanks for the fact that it is already done and you just have to open your arms to receive it when the time comes.
If you ask any authentic millionaire what the secrets of success is, he or she will tell you that vision, vibration and faith are the major ingredients of optimal success and the top three secrets of success and financial freedom. If you follow this formula, you will realise your dream fast without fail.
As you have noticed, many people around you are working very hard, but working hard is like crawling. Why crawl if you were born with wings to fly? So fly….become a visionary, a success frequency carrier and faith will spread its wings to take you there.
Remember, if you can see it, feel it, hear it in your imagination, then you can create it in your reality. This creative power is your gift, don’t waste it. Use it.
To your success, financial freedom and the millionaire dreams.
Hong Curley
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Recommended to start with a pack of 10 (which is the dosage for 1 month).
Three months of treatment is recommended for people who suffer from infertility, impotence and sexual decline.
Every child wants to say “Dad, I love you.” No doubt, no matter how old you are right now, you still yearn to say these four beautiful healing words, “Dad, I love you”.
Unfortunately, many of us wait till it is too late to express our gratitude and love to our fathers.
Many of us never even manage to express how we really feel deep in our heart to our fathers before they leave the earth. It is a painful human experience to live with regrets. Regret is like a hole in your heart that can never be filled.
This Father’s Day, give your Dad the best gift ever—Your love, support, understanding and acceptance.
Your Dad does not need another bottle of aftershave or another bottle of alcohol, but he does need to feel closer to your Mum, he does need to make peace with a friend whom he had a fallout with, he does need to say “ I forgive you and I love you” to his own Dad before it is too late. He does long to hold you and hug you and say “I love you, please forgive me” to you.
Don’t let this Father’s Day pass by without making the effort to help your father find deeper peace. You owe it to yourself and to your mother to embrace your Dad for who he is.
On the surface, your Dad may be a drunkard, a gambler, a struggling businessman, but deep down, he suffers, he struggles with his own inner demon; he is haunted by his fear of not being good enough; he is defeated by the shadow of the greatness of his own father.
Have you ever looked your Dad in the eyes and felt his pain? Have you ever hold him close to your heart and told him “You don’t have to be perfect Dad, I accept you and love you just as you are”?
To you who are reading this post, you have a father; you may be a father or a father to be. Whoever you are, remember this, be kind to your father, so your children can be kind to you. Forgive your father, so your children can forgive you; love your father, so your children can love you. The chain of love is built with acceptance and forgiveness. The strongest family is not the family who has no problems, but the family who rises above all difficulties and love each other through the process.
On this Father’s Day, give your father the best gift ever — help him heal his heart. Tell him you are grateful for him. If your father used to beat you, abuse you, belittle you, thank him for offering you an opportunity to become a better person of your own choice. If you find yourself turning out to be like your abusive Dad, stop behaving like him, and make some different choices today. The chain of suffering can only be broken by your decision to become a better man. When you make a better choice today, you change your future and the future of your children.
One harsh thing I have learnt about life is just how fast it goes by and vanishes in front of my very eyes. You don’t have forever to make peace with those you care about , and the so called tomorrow will never come if you don’t do it today. When you finally feel it is the right time to make peace with your father, it may well be too late, he may be at his death bed. Please don’t suffer this unnecessary regret. Make peace with your father and help him make peace with himself now, not tomorrow, not next week, not when he is dying, but now!
Because when you make peace with each other, you give him and yourself the greatest gift of all — the freedom to love.
Every man on this earth yearns to have peace in his heart. Unfortunately, many men live with emotional wounds that destroy the possibility of peace.
Without peace, a man’s mind goes to war. Without peace, a man’s heart is haunted by fear. Without peace, a man’s life becomes a battle ground of winning and losing.
Every dying man, at his last breath, wishes to make peace with his father, his brother, his ex-wife, his children, himself and even his enemy. Unfortunately, very few men fulfilled this wish, because by the time they realised they wanted to make peace with people, it is already too late. Their lives have passed them by and have left them with many painful regrets.
Please do not let this happen to your father. Nothing is more painful for a man to live or die with regrets. This Father’s Day, help your Dad heal a broken relationship, make peace with himself and the people he cares about.
Do you think another box of chocolate, another bottle of wine, another shirt or another fishing rot can fill the hole in his heart from his past wounds and make him happier than ever before?
Obviously not, so what can?
What other gifts could be better for your father than something to empower him? What could be more rewarding for you than knowing that your Dad has found deeper peace and happiness because of your giving? And what other gifts could be better than a powerful self-healing manual which he can use again and again for a life time?
Whether you are a loving son, daughter, wife or a friend, this remarkable book Freedom to Love is a perfect gift for the man you care about.
Click the book image below Now to order this wonderful gift:
Below is a link to download a free chapter from Freedom to Love, a remarkable healing story of a man who struggled with incurable sickness and how he healed himself, his father, his brother and his ex-fiancée by the power of forgiveness.
By the power of love, all sufferings dissolve, all people heal.
Your father yearns for better health, deeper peace and greater happiness. Be the instrument of your father’s healing. It is the best gift you can ever give him…
When you help your father heal, you heal yourself and the life of your children.
Order now to ensure on time delivery before Father’s Day.
While we are mourning for the death of Robin Williams and sending condolences to his families, we also need to respect his choice. While we feel shocked and shattered, we must not forget to ask ourselves this question: what really determines our happiness and contentment in life?
Robin’s death challenges our value to the core. If fame, money, prestige, alcohol, drug, beautiful woman could not satisfy a man’s hunger for peace, what does? What else could Robin Williams have created in life that could make him happy rather than depressed? What is it in life that is so bad that death becomes a more attractive option?
He is loved by millions; he is the source of joy and laughter for millions; one would think he was fulfilling his life purpose doing what he loved. Why isn’t the love from millions to him not enough for him? Why does such a funny, brilliant man who gives others so much joy suffer so much pain?
We may not have answers for these questions, nevertheless, these questions should keep our search for meaning alive. Let us collectively pray for Robin’s peace. May he find what he is looking for. Let us not judge him or what he did in any way. Instead, let us release our attachment and our expectation. When we watch his film and marvel at his brilliant work, let us go within; let him be our mirror, our reminder, our guiding light. Let us ask ourselves, what is it in my life that will give me peace and contentment Now?
Go within, go within, go within….I hope to find it when I am alive, rather than when I am dead. Wouldn’t you?
May you rest in peace Robin Williams. Thank you for being you…. You shine so bright when you live, you will continue to shine even after you are gone physically, because we carry your spirit within each of us…..forever more….